Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here you will find the most common questions our customers ask about UPS products and maintenance. If we have not answered your question here, please do get in touch.

A UPS system (Uninterruptible Power Supply), will provide an emergency source of backup power in the event of a power cut. It also provides a clean, regulated flow of power to your critical load (connected equipment) at all times compensating for sags and spikes.
UPS systems are available in 3 main technologies - Offline, Line Interactive, and Online. Offline UPS only provides very basic protection and sits in standby until called upon in the event of a power failure, sag or spike. A Line Interactive UPS will work in the background waiting to take up the critical load. Online UPS systems provide maximum protection for your critical load and protects against the 9 most common power issues. The output voltage is entirely regenerated by a sequence of AC to DC conversion followed by DC to AC conversion in order to create a power supply without any electrical interference. A more in depth description of these technologies can be found herewith UPS examples of each provided.
The UPS autonomy (runtime), is determined by its load value and the quantity and size of the batteries within it. Typically, a small plug and play UPS will provide up to around 15 minutes autonomy while a much larger UPS system will provide backup power for hours.
Yes. The batteries installed in a UPS system (or in additional battery packs connected to the UPS) will have either a 3-5 year, or 7-10 year design life. Simple battery replacements for small 'plug and play' UPS can be carried out by the end user, for larger UPS systems, we offer comprehensive battery replacement services.
A UPS system should be situated in a clean, well ventilated environment with air conditioning. The UPS should not sit directly beneath an air conditioning unit as droplets of water may fall onto the UPS system. The UPS environment can play a big part in the overall useful life of the batteries and the capacitors, these consumable products have finite life spans and an ambient temperature of between 23 and 25 degrees centigrade is recommended for maximum design life potential of the consumable items and longevity of the UPS system itself.
Yes. We recommend that all UPS systems are checked over at least once a year to assess their condition and state of the batteries, fans and internal components. Small UPS systems only need a basic check and clean while larger UPS systems should be fully serviced with mains fail testing.
A manufacturer’s warranty will cover the parts and labour costs if the UPS becomes faulty. The warranty will not guarantee a specific response and fix time in the event of a failure and does not include any servicing of the UPS system. A maintenance agreement offers around the clock emergency coverage and will guarantee an engineer to site following a breakdown within an predetermined SLA. It also includes annual (or 6 monthly) servicing which in turn helps to ensure trouble-free operation. This affords peace of mind for many years and helps to reduce the need to replace parts and consumable items such as batteries and fans prematurely.
We recommend that every UPS is connected to the mains utility by way of a Maintenance Bypass Switch (MBS) or External Maintenance Bypass Switch (EMBS). The purpose of the bypass switch is to allow for the UPS to be safely isolated or removed (for reasons of servicing or fault) without having to power down the critical load (connected equipment). Examples of this might be our healthcare or banking institution customers where their connected equipment cannot be shut down for any reason.
Of course. Our technical sales team have over 30 years experience between them and can provide immediate assistance over the phone or via email. For larger UPS projects, our engineers will carry out a free-of-charge site survey at your convenience and will provide essential help and guidance on the product type, location and installation of the UPS system.