

With over 3 decades of experience, we have established ourselves as leaders in delivering specialised power protection solutions. Our story so far...


About us

Network Security Systems Europe was formed in the early 1990's to offer both IT and backup power solutions - mainly Uninterruptible Power Supply systems (UPS).

In 1998, NSSE strategically shifted its focus to backup power and power protection, recognising its niche in the marketplace. This pivotal decision involved partnering with a select group of top UPS manufacturers, enabled NSSE to deliver impartial and specialised services while maintaining its status as an independent entity, ultimately enhancing the quality of products and services offered to clients.

With over three decades of experience, we are proud to be one of the UK's premier power protection specialists, providing a comprehensive range of solutions including UPS systems, generators, switchgear, racks, cabinets, PDUs, and cables. Our dedicated technical team ensures a swift response and an unmatched customer service experience, delivering cutting-edge products and services at competitive prices. We remain steadfast in our commitment to achieving total customer satisfaction 100% of the time.

Our collaborative approach involves working closely with electrical contractors and M&E consultants while also delivering tailored solutions for our reseller and end user clients. Supported by our dedicated installations and service team, as well as a select group of partner suppliers, we strive to maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of our supply chain.

Protecting the world’s top brands See the sectors we work in
Next day delivery for many of our products. Please call our knowledgeable sales team for expert advice, pricing and availability - 0333 222 4000.