Apr 4, 2022

Why have a Strategy for Uninterrupted Power?

Power interruptions can be catastrophic for any organisation. Clean, continuous power is essential for today’s technology-dependant environments.

Power failure can mean downtime, reduced productivity, irrecoverable data and lost revenue. Unfiltered electricity can mean disturbances for system operations and processes and even damage to sensitive electronic equipment. With a suitable emergency power strategy in place you will always have back-up power in the event of a mains failure and a filtered, regulated power supply limiting the detrimental effects of electrical disturbances at all times.

A UPS system (Uninterruptible Power Supply) protects against many power problems. Mostly, it protects against blackouts, brownouts, spikes and dips (other power issues can be found here).

Why use UPS?

  • A UPS system ensures continuity of business and availability for networks and other applications in the event of a power failure or other power events. They can also work in conjunction with generators where a longer run time may be required. The UPS provides an instantaneous, alternate supply of power in the event that your mains power supply fails.
  • It prevents hardware damage typically caused by surge protection or sags.
  • It prevents data loss and corruption. Without a UPS, data stored on devices that are subjected to a hard system shutdown may become corrupted or even lost completely. In conjunction with power management software, a UPS can facilitate a graceful system shutdown. The cost of recovering lost data and productivity can be immeasurable for any organisation.
  • Consider having a UPS system as an insurance policy for your business. Its very existence provides peace of mind against unwanted electrical interruptions or damaged caused to I.T. servers, networks, telephony, CCTV, - just about any electrical product that is relied upon for the day to day running of any organisation.

For more information, contact our friendly sales team at sales@nsse.co.uk or call us on 0333 222 4000 today.

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