IEC Lock C13 To C14 IEC Lock C13 To C14
IEC Lock C13 To C14
IEC Lock Group IEC Lock Group
IEC Lock Group
IEC Lock - How It Works IEC Lock - How It Works
IEC Lock - How It Works

Product Description

The IEC Lock Cable prevents accidental removal from any standard inlet.

Suitable for use with ANY STANDARD C14 inlet, the IEC Lock Cable protects appliances that are vulnerable to vibration and accidental disconnection and ensures that the connector cannot be accidentally pulled or vibrated out of the inlet. Perfect for all applications, the cable does not require any modification to standard IEC inlets and is ready to be connected straight from the box. Essential for mission critical applications.

  • Cable lengths from 0.5m-3m as standard (longer available)
  • Black cable finish as standard (Red, Blue, White & Orange available as special order)
  • Test Standard: IEC/EN 60320-1

Technical Specifications

Colour Black
Cable Length 0.5 metre
Input Connection C14
Output Connection C13


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