
Eaton HotSwap MBP 1-3kVA

Eaton HotSwap MBP 1-3kVA
Eaton HotSwap MBP 1-3kVA

With 32 years of experience, our knowledgeable sales team is here to provide expert advice on UPS systems tailored to your needs. We specialise in professional installation and comprehensive maintenance services for systems 5kVA and above.


Hot Swap Bypass Hard Wired Hot Swap Bypass Hard Wired
Hot Swap Bypass Hard Wired
FlexPDU & Hotswap MBP FlexPDU & Hotswap MBP
FlexPDU & Hotswap MBP

Product Description

Rack mounted bypass switch for 1-3kVA UPS systems.

The Eaton HotSwap Maintenance Bypass Switch (MBP) allows for convenient servicing or replacement of the UPS system without affecting the critical (connected) load. It also allows for isolation of the UPS should an issue be encountered. There is no interruption to the power supply allowing continuity of business and no downtime for critical equipment.

Technical Specifications

Ports and connections
Input Terminal Block (hardwired)
Output Terminal Block (hardwired)
Input Voltage (Volts) 220-250
Warranty 2 Years
Dimensions and weight
Width (mm) 448
Depth (mm) 18
Height (mm) 58
Weight (Kg) 2


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