
Eaton G4 Switched ePDU

Eaton G4 Switched ePDU
Eaton G4 Switched ePDU

With 32 years of experience, our knowledgeable sales team is here to provide expert advice on UPS systems tailored to your needs. We specialise in professional installation and comprehensive maintenance services for systems 5kVA and above.

Eaton Switched PDU Eaton Switched PDU
Eaton Switched PDU
Eaton PDU Family Eaton PDU Family
Eaton PDU Family
Eaton Rack PDU G4 Eaton Rack PDU G4
Eaton Rack PDU G4

Product Description

Eaton's new switched G4 PDU combines advanced control features at outlet level with all power quality measurement capabilities of the Metered Input PDU and features the versatile C39 outlet which supports C14 or C20 power cord plugs. Speak to our knowledgeable team about this product and which configuration is right for you.

IEC Class 1 (1%) billing grade accuracy, an advanced hot-swap meter with LCD pixel display showing V, W, A and kWh, and the ability to daisy chain 8 ePDUs to share the same network connection and IP address.

  • End to end IEC Plug Retention prevents accidental disconnection when coupled with NSSE's IEC lock cables.
  • Securely allows remote control and remote rebooting.
  • Switch equipment on/off across both A and B feed (Requires Daisy Chained ePDUs).
  • Sequence outlets to avoid in-rush current, to ensure equipment starts in correct order.
  • Input and Phase Metering, Circuit Breaker Current Metering.
  • IEC outlet eGrip plug retention: retains all standard IEC plugs.
  • 60 Degree C operating temperature.
  • Colour-coded outlet and branch circuits for simple load balancing.
  • Eaton Hydraulic–Magnetic Circuit Breakers with accidental trip protection.
  • Low-profile form factor: 52mm wide x 53mm deep on most models.
  • En masse configuration and update available via Intelligent Power Manager.
  • Single Pane Monitoring of many ePDUs+UPS as part of the power chain, & graceful Equipment shut down via Intelligent Power Manager.
  • Installation: Button mounting on rear & side + variable mounting system.

Technical Specifications


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