NSSE Passive PDU Horizontal NSSE Passive PDU Horizontal
NSSE Passive PDU Horizontal

Product Description

A range of horizontal and vertical power distribution units with C13 and C19 outlets and Commando plug input.

NSSE's IEC 320 range covers many different formats. From basic 'sockets only' units, other variants include overload protection and current monitoring options. Constructed in a 19" rack mountable steel enclosure, all models are fitted with IEC 320/C13 outlets and fed via a fixed mains lead with a choice of mains input connector.

Internal wiring is in Tri-rated cable and rated at 16A as standard with the option of 32A rating.

Terminated with a BS4343 16A or 32A Commando plug

Technical Specifications

Warranty 1 Year
Ports and connections
Input 16A Commando
Output 12 x IEC C13
Dimensions and weight
Width (mm) 44
Height (mm) 43
Weight (Kg) 2


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