
Riello Netman 208 Network Communications Card

Netman 208
Riello Netman 208 Network Communications Card
Riello Netman 208 Network Communications Card

With 32 years of experience, our knowledgeable sales team is here to provide expert advice on UPS systems tailored to your needs. We specialise in professional installation and comprehensive maintenance services for systems 5kVA and above.

Riello UPS Net Man 208 Riello UPS Net Man 208
Riello UPS Net Man 208

Product Description

The NETMAN 208 network card allows a UPS and other compatible products to be directly connected over LAN 10/100/1000 Mb connections using a variety of communication protocols.

The NetMan 208 is a network communications card that enables Riello UPS systems to easily integrate into medium or large networks, providing a high level of reliability in communication between the UPS and associated management systems. It is designed to integrate UPS systems over 10/100 Mbps ethernet connections and IPv4/6 networks using Modbus/TCP, BACnet/IP, and SNMP protocols and is compatible with virtual networks, seamlessly integrating with VMware, helping you manage any virtual networks and perform safe system shutdown of both virtual and physical machines.

  • 32 bit RISC dual core processor
  • Compatible with 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet and IPv4/6 networks
  • Compatible with PowerShield3 and PowerNetGuard
  • SNMP v1, v2 and v3 with RFC1628 for PowerNetGuard and NMS connection
  • SNMP v1, v2 and v3 with RFC3433 for the management of environmental sensors
  • HTTPS for UPS control via web browser
  • SMTP for alarm notifications and UPS status updates via email
  • Ldap and Active Directory integration for centralised authentication mechanism support
  • Modbus/TCP
  • Maximum expandability
  • Events log and data management
  • Wake-on-LAN management for starting computers via TCP/IP network
  • Other standards: DHCP, DNS, RARP, FTP, NTP, ICMP, IGMP

Technical Specifications

Warranty 1 Year
Communications TCP /IP , HTTP HTTPS, SSH, SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3


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