
Borri Ingenio Plus UPS (3:3)

Ingenio Plus-60
Borri Ingenio Plus UPS (3:3)
Borri Ingenio Plus UPS (3:3)

This UPS system requires professional hard‑ wired installation, to request a free of charge site survey please contact our sales team.


Borri Ingenio Plus UPS Borri Ingenio Plus UPS
Borri Ingenio Plus UPS
Borri Ingenio Plus UPS Open Case Borri Ingenio Plus UPS Open Case
Borri Ingenio Plus UPS Open Case
Borri Ingenio Plus UPS LCD Borri Ingenio Plus UPS LCD
Borri Ingenio Plus UPS LCD
Borri Ingenio Plus UPS Open Borri Ingenio Plus UPS Open
Borri Ingenio Plus UPS Open
Energy Technology List Energy Technology List
Energy Technology List

Product Description

60-160kVA UPS - High power density, transformer free design, service friendly solution for small to medium sized data centres.

The Ingenio Plus has been specifically designed to be a high performance, low cost of ownership UPS solution that not only delivers ultimate power protection but also maximum power density. The sophisticated architecture of the Ingenio Plus combines a compact internal battery layout (up to 80kW), high efficiency double conversion and advanced energy saving modes to ensure low operating costs. Borri’s Green Conversion technology helps to dramatically reduce maintenance costs whilst extending all critical components and battery service life.

Low TCO and excellent efficiency results means that this compact solution is perfect for supplying reliable uninterrupted quality power to small and medium sized data centres and all critical applications in health, finance, industrial processing, research and development and transportation markets.

Key Benefits

  • Unity output power factor kVA = kW without any de-rating up to 40°C
  • Online double conversion topology
  • Transformer free design
  • Ultra High Efficiency (UHE) – Up to 99.5% efficiency
  • Smart Parallel UPS on demand technology
  • Continuous savings with 'Green Conversion' patented technology
  • 'Energy Manager' selects the appropriate operating mode for environment
  • Full front access - Installation, Servicing and cooling

ETL (Energy Technology List)

The Borri Ingenio Plus is on the ETL. If you are a business that pays income or corporation tax, you may be interested to know that you'll be able to claim 100% first year capital allowance on this product (providing it is on the ETL at the time of purchase).

Technical Specifications

EAN Ingenio Plus
Warranty 3 Years
UPS Technology Online (Double Conversion)
Ports and connections
Input 3 phase hardwired
Output 3 phase hardwired
Communications RS232 serial port, USB port, Web/SNMP, ModBus, Relay, Modem cards; Remote panel; Monitoring and shutdown software
Output power (VA) 60kVA
Output power (Watts) 60kW
Input Voltage (Volts) 220/380, 230/400, 240/415 VAC 3 phase + N
Output Voltage (Volts) 220/380, 230/400, 240/415 VAC 3 phase + N
Power Supply Input Frequency (Hz) 50/60Hz (45-65Hz)
Dimensions and weight
Width (mm) 56
Depth (mm) 94
Height (mm) 18
Weight (Kg) 25


41kVA – 60kVA UPS Systems

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